HBM096: Are We Still Afraid?
/Image by Jeff Emtman.
Here Be Monsters is almost 100 episodes old. It’s grown a lot since Jeff was a scared 22 year old learning audio editing in his basement. So as we approach the milestone, we take a look back, check in with some of our memorable guests, and take the chance to answer some listener questions while we’re at it.
Content Note: Recreational drug use, deaths (intentional and accidental), eating disorder, language, and sex.
On this episode we’ll hear updates from or about:
Luke, Griff and Ira from HBM076: Griff’s Speech
Remi from HBM080: An Ocean of Halves
Tariq from HBM077: Snow on Date Trees, Then on Pines
Tyler from HBM052: Call 601-2-SATAN-2
Patti from HBM054: Flaming Sword of Truth
Erin from HBM064: A Shrinking Shadow
Jacob from HBM015: Jacob Visits Saturn, HBM072: Ant God
▶ You can call us any time at (765) 374 - 5263 ◀
Bethany Denton and Jeff Emtman produced this episode. Nick White is our editor at KCRW.
Producers: Jeff Emtman and Bethany Denton
Music: The Black Spot, Flowers, Lucky Dragons, Serocell